The solution to deterring Russia has been revealed by a Romanian professor from Oxford. “She is the only one capable of ensuring peace”

A new security architecture in Europe, the only one capable of deterring Russia and ensuring peace, is the moment NATO begins to build – declares Corneliu Pijola, Professor of Diplomacy at Oxford. In an interview for “Adevărul”, Bjola introduced the term “Pax Europaea”.

Europe and NATO will identify the necessary solutions to prevent new wars. Photo Shutterstock

The war in Ukraine is still far from over, but political analysts and diplomats are already thinking about how to prevent the next conflict and what can be done about it.

Corneliu Pijola, Professor of Diplomacy at the University of Oxford, in an interview with “Adevrul”, explained what must be done to protect us from new wars and introduced the term “Pax Europa” to denote the peace of the new Europe. In his opinion, NATO should invent a new security system in the future and reduce the appetite for war of Russia and others from the beginning. He will, Bijola is sure.

Why the Vilnius Summit Matters

Europe’s disengagement from Russia is one of the key elements to building a European security system, but it is not enough, says Romanian professor Corneliu Pijola.

“And deterring further aggression is equally important. A freeze in the conflict in Ukraine, following the model already tested in Transnistria and Georgia, will allow Russia to regroup and try again, in a few years, under favorable conditions, to resume its campaign of neo-colonial aggression in Europe. East”Bijola explains.

Ukraine remains the main target, but Moldova will undoubtedly follow, perhaps even the Baltic states, warns Corneliu Bijola.

“Therefore, it is important that Ukraine has the ability to defend itself against any kind of attack in the future. The NATO summit in Vilnius is expected to begin to outline a direction that will help create such an organization in the coming years. For now, there is no consensus on rapid accession to NATO, but some kind of guarantees can be given. The type and implementation conditions are very important for negotiation, and I expect the Nordic countries, Great Britain and the Eastern countries to be very active on this matter”, Bijola concludes.

He firmly believes that NATO does not want to be drawn into a direct conflict with Russia, but also does not want to allow the Kremlin to create a permanent state of chaos and insecurity in the region: “The model used for Ukraine can then be applied to Moldova, which continues to deter Russia’s subjugation measures. The issue of Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons, which have already been used in Belarus to intimidate and threaten European countries, should also be part of the discussion.

NATO’s defense system is perfect

And this is not all. Corneliu Pijola says that NATO’s nuclear doctrine, but Europe’s inability to ensure its own security, are two other points where solutions need to be identified.

“NATO has a 10-year-old nuclear deterrence doctrine that needs to be updated as soon as possible. A third topic that needs to be included in the discussion is the European component within NATO, parallel to strengthening ties in the Indo-Pacific region. This war proved that Europe is still dependent on the United States, but how can a European defense strategy be developed within NATO?” Also its inability to think creatively about creating.The author added.

“Pax Europaea”, the solution to future problems

For all this, the Romanian professor Corneliu Pijola introduced the term “Box Europe”, which should discourage Russia or any other country from seeking a war solution for the new security framework the EU needs.

“In short, I in Europe This is the moment to start building a new security architecture called A security system that views Russia as an aggressive adversary as it was during the Cold War and its expansionist tendencies must be halted immediately, effectively and for the long term.The expert says.

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In his view, such a strategy should have a strong military component, with NATO and a growing European component at its core, and a strong nuclear deterrence doctrine, but also an economic component, isolating Russia and diversifying relations with other regions.

Also, a description should be added. The new strategy should have a diplomatic component, on the model of a European political community that brings together EU countries and countries in the Middle East and North Africa region, as well as countries in Central Asia. Technology is one, the expert adds, allowing Europe to dominate the region in terms of information space and technological innovation.

It must be understood that this war defines a new model of the nascent international order, as it addresses geopolitical needs not only for Europe but also for the Indo-Pacific through its lessons. Pax Europaea will not develop easily because the “evil empire,” as former President Reagan referred to Russia, will not easily relinquish its neo-colonial claims. However, he will be defeated and it will be left to Russia’s choice whether to become a country that embraces European civilization or continue its decline through despotism, hatred and militarism.says the teacher.

Austria is a counterexample

Corneliu Pijola also talked about Austria, which continues to play the Kremlin’s games in Europe, as there are still European countries that more or less support Russia.

“Austria is a special case because, both before and after the invasion, it has demonstrated the extreme vulnerability of Russian influence, as infamously illustrated by former foreign minister Karin Neisel’s humiliating bow to Putin in August 2018. Crimea’s far-right, pro-Kremlin party FPO is now leading in the polls and is slated for power next year. However, I don’t think they have the ability or the will to change European policy towards Russia.The teacher thinks.

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However, what is happening in Austria needs to be watched very carefully, and eventually the necessary lessons should be learned. All European countries must cut all ties with Russia, he concludes.

“Their case shows us how important it is for European countries to free themselves from any energy and economic ties to the Putin regime. Austria, Hungary and Serbia are currently the most energy dependent countries in Europe for Russia. So it is no coincidence that they are also very reluctant to condemn Russia’s aggression and its neo-colonialism.” Not a phenomenon. A free, democratic and prosperous Europe can only be built with complete separation from imperial Russia.“, Corneliu Pijola notes.

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