A convoy carrying equipment for Russia’s nuclear forces has been spotted moving

Chilling new footage shows Russia loading equipment for its nuclear forces, which could be a “signal to the West”, a military intelligence expert has said. the sun

The video was shot at an undisclosed location in central Russia, where a train is seen crossing a town with vehicles and equipment headed for the front lines in Ukraine.

According to defense analyst Konrad Musica, the train is linked to Russia’s Glavnoye Upravleniye Ministerstvo Oborony — also known as the Defense Ministry’s 12th Main Directorate — which operates several central nuclear weapons storage facilities.

“This is actually a unit belonging to the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense,” Musica said.

“The unit is responsible for nuclear weapons, their storage, maintenance, transportation and release to units,” the military expert also noted.

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Although the expert said the video did not show “preparations for a nuclear launch”, he explained that the footage came after Ukraine warned that the risk of Russia using a tactical nuclear weapon was “very high”.

“This could be a kind of warning to the West,” Musica said, referring to Vladimir Putin’s warning of nuclear war on Friday.

Muzyka also suggested that Russia could move the equipment ahead of training exercises for its Strategic Missile Forces (RSVN), the country’s main nuclear deterrent that is part of the Russian and Soviet nuclear forces.

“Russian RVSN forces usually train intensively in the fall,” Muzuka explained, adding that Moscow could move this equipment in preparation for its strategic nuclear exercises.

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