A heartbreaking story of a young man who was adopted and abandoned after five days. He was left to his own devices since he was 10 years old

Accepted and dropped after five days. This is the story of a young Brazilian, now 26, who was adopted by a family from the Cremona region in 2007, when he was ten years old.

Five days later, his adoptive mother and father abandoned him. For their inhuman act, both were reprimanded, they report Republic of La.

Thanks to the help of Gianluca Barbiro, a lawyer he met in Modena prison, the young man rebuked his parents. The pair were sentenced to three months in prison by a judge in Cremona after they abandoned the young man and shirked their aid duties. Both were forced to pay 10,000 euros.

The conviction was upheld by the Brescia Court of Appeal in 2021.

A heart-wrenching story of a young man who was adopted and abandoned after five days

On August 30, 2007, the two spouses from Cremona returned from Brazil with adoption papers from the São Paulo court in their bags. On September 4, they changed their minds and decided not to adopt the child, claiming she had pulled a knife and threatened the adoptive father. In the lawsuit filed, the boy instead explained that the foster mother hit him with a belt after an argument with the couple’s biological son.

From that moment, the boy went down the wrong path and between 2016 and 2017, he committed a series of crimes for which he was sentenced to a year in prison.

In prison, he meets lawyer Gianluca Barbiro, who convinces him to denounce his adoptive family.

Today, the boy is back in the Cremona area, where he has a home and a job.

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