A mysterious gas leak from the Nord Stream in the Baltic Sea. Kremlin accuses ‘sabotage’, Kiev accuses Moscow of ‘terrorist attack’

The Kremlin says it is not ruling out a possibility “Sabotage” at After both Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were damaged “FUnprecedentedAnd gas “leakage” has begun in the Baltic Sea, reports say Reuters. Kiev accused Moscow of a “terrorist attack”.

Update 19:04 Unexplained leaks discovered at Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea are the result of a “planned terrorist attack” by Moscow “against the European Union,” Kiev believes, France Presse reported.

“The large-scale gas leak from Nord Stream 1 is nothing more than a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression against the EU,” an adviser to the head of Ukraine’s presidential administration, Myhylo Podoliak, wrote on Twitter. tuesday

Update 15:54 The Europeans announced on Tuesday that they are investigating the latest Nord Stream ruptures and unexplained gas leaks at sea. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki attributed the leaks to sabotage, saying the Russians sabotaged their pipeline to create a new crisis. and FrI-Ministry Danish suggested possible sabotage.

However, it is still not clear what happened in the pipelines and who is the possible culprit.

“ThatToday we are faced with a subversive act. “We don’t know the details of what happened, but we clearly see that this was an act of sabotage directly related to the escalation of the situation in Ukraine,” Morawiecki said, adding that the Russians acted to sabotage the pipeline at the same time as the war in Ukraine escalated.

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“We are talking about three leaks with a significant gap between them, so it is hard to imagine that this is a coincidence,” said Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Nord Stream AG, the operator of the network, said on Tuesday that three offshore lines of the Nord Stream gas pipeline were affected. Failures fUnprecedented” in a single day.

“Whatever The option cannot be rejected at this time“, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said when asked if it was a “could have been”.nasty jobS. that the gas pipemust have caused damage.

Peskov also said that the Kremlin “Very anxiously“This is an issue that affects energy security for the entire continent,” and the situation requires immediate investigation.

“I am youYou know so much anxiety. In fact, we are talking about damages of unknown origin to the gas pipeline in Denmark’s economic zone. This is an issue affecting energy security across the continent“, Putin’s spokesman added.

Nord Stream AG added “Impossible to assess” cWhen rebooting the network

Nord Stream 1, with a capacity of 27.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year per transmission line, is Russia’s main gas pipeline to Europe.

In recent times, Russia has continued to use its gas pipelines to pressure and threaten Europe after its invasion of Ukraine and economic sanctions imposed by the West.

Russian gas is leaking into the Baltic Sea

The Swedish Maritime Authority announced on Tuesday that it had issued a warning about two new gas leaks from the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline in Swedish and Danish territorial waters.

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The announcement came a day after Danish authorities warned of another leak from the defunct Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. “There are two leaks in Nord Stream 1 – one in the Swedish economic zone and the other in the Danish zone.

They are very close to each other,” the Swedish Maritime Administration announced. Both spills are located northeast of the Danish island of Bornholm, a spokesman for the Swedish authority said.

It is not clear what caused the gas leak. On Monday, Danish authorities asked ships to avoid an area five nautical miles southeast of Bornholm because a gas leak from the defunct Nord Stream 2 pipeline has reached the Baltic Sea.

Author: Adrian Dumitru

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