A third of young people in Germany consider violence against women “acceptable”.

A third of young people in Germany consider violence against women ‘acceptable’, results hailed as ‘shocking’ by human rights defenders on Sunday, AFP reported, citing Agerpres.ro.

According to a survey to be released by Funke Media Group on Monday, 33% of men between the ages of 18 and 35 say they have adopted the concept of ‘slipping the arm’ during an argument with their female partner.

At the same time, 34% admitted to violence against women in the past.

The results were ‘shocking’, responded Karsten Kassner of the Federal Forum Men, a group campaigning for equality between the sexes. “It’s troubling that a third of the men interviewed trivialize physical violence against women. The situation needs to change urgently,” Funke told the panel.

The national survey was conducted online from March 9 to 21 among a sample of 1,000 men and 1,000 women between the ages of 18 and 35.

More than 115,000 women will be victims of domestic violence in 2021, according to data from the German Federal Police. In the same years, 301 women were killed by their current or former partners.

Justice Minister Marco Bushmann said in 2022 he would push for legal changes to punish violence against women more severely, saying such acts should not be reduced to ‘private tragedies’.

Source: Agerpres.ro

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