A traffic sign that causes inconvenience to motorists. It will appear from June 2023

From the beginning of 2023, we have seen many changes in motion, such as the incorporation of low emission zones in most European cities. Therefore, at the legislative level, the lists of traffic signs were updated after the revision of the general European traffic regulation and the local one. According to these changes, today we are talking about a traffic sign that causes inconvenience to drivers, and the European authorities announce that it will appear in Spain from June 2023, for example, in other member states. So, read on and find out which road signs give drivers a tough time.

European legislation on traffic signs is changing.

According to a decision taken at the level of the European Parliament, the law on traffic signs will undergo changes from this year. In this context, more roads in the European Union will be subject to minimum road infrastructure standards, with an agreement reached as early as 2019. This is expected to significantly increase road safety.

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Currently, legislation on road infrastructure standards only applies to major European roads that are part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The agreement has been extended to cover all EU funded motorways, trunk roads and urban roads.

Spain was among the first countries to make the changes. Enter the traffic sign that gets drivers in trouble

For the first time, the new law requires road authorities to take into account the safety of vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. The European Commission estimates that the proposed measures could save 3,200 lives and prevent more than 20,000 serious injuries between 2020 and 2030.

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Road authorities now have the option to opt out of certain low-risk or traffic-congested roads, but these decisions are still subject to supervision by the European Commission, as well as introducing some new road signs, and Spain is one of the first European countries to do so. Countries that have taken this decision.

In particular, the Spanish authorities decided to introduce signs for areas with low greenhouse gas emissions (ZBEIn cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants. Officials say this latest innovation makes signs easier to understand, strengthens the safety of the most vulnerable road users, integrates new designs with road signs, removes outdated signs and adapts signs to gender norms.

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As a result of this decision, at least 10 new traffic signs will be introduced in Spain, which will cause difficulties for motorists. Read what it has to say.

Other EU transport regulations

Common specifications for indicators and agreed by the European Union Road signs, which will help drivers understand the infrastructure when crossing borders. Officials say it will also contribute to the development of autonomous vehicles.

What traffic sign gets motorists into trouble?

Among the 10 new traffic signs, the Spanish authorities have decided to introduce the “P-35” traffic sign in general. Specifically, this traffic sign is represented by two vehicles and two crossed arrows in a triangle framed in red on a white background (View the gallery), “indicates a warning of the danger caused by this.A junction near a traffic lane and a divide where vehicles cross their paths and hence there is a high risk of traffic accidents.”, according to explanations given by the Spanish authorities.

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Officials also note that traffic signs will be installed on Spanish highways and roads starting this summer. So, beware of carelessness! If you’re not careful, especially if you’re on Spanish roads, it can cost you.

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