A woman is killed by her brother’s Rottweiler. “He was crouching beside her like his prey.”

A 53-year-old woman was attacked and killed by her half-brother’s Rottweiler in Soldano, Liguria. It was the neighbor who called the ambulance.

A 53-year-old Italian woman was attacked and killed by her half-brother’s Rottweiler. A neighbor called an ambulance and reported that the woman was in urgent need of help.

The woman was taking care of the dog at her stepfather’s house as the man was on vacation with his wife.

“I heard her moaning and calling for help, and quickly ran to see what had happened. I reached the gate, opened it, and took a broom which I found at the entrance. At that moment, the dog moved a short distance, and then the woman curled up like her prey. I was able to move it from there. Couldn’t. She was in a pitiful state. She was conscious, she answered me, I tried to wake her up. She was moaning, meanwhile I called for help. I told her to be quiet,” writes the neighbor who alerted the emergency services. Rotelian.

Patrizia La Marca was in a critical situation. She was covered in blood with bites on her head, arms, chest and shoulders.

But, even after two hours, no one could intervene. The dog did not allow anyone to approach the woman.

According to her, although emergency services were at the scene, nothing more could be done and she later died of her injuries.

“The body was practically torn apart, a very serious medical condition, something like this had never been seen before,” explained staff at the scene.

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