Danish allows volunteers to fight in Ukraine: “Anyone can do this”

Copenhagen Prime Minister Med Frederickson said Sunday evening that Denmark would allow volunteers to join international forces that Ukraine wants to create to fight the Russian invasion.

“This is a choice that anyone can make. Of course, this is true for all Ukrainians living here, but also for others,” he said. “Our analysis is that, at first glance, there is no legal impediment to going to Ukraine to take part in the conflict, of course on the part of Ukraine,” Frederickson added.

Earlier, he rallied in front of the Russian embassy in Copenhagen against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

President Volodymyr Zhelensky announced that Ukraine would form an “international brigade” of foreign fighters to thwart the Russian invasion and called on volunteers to join. “All foreigners wishing to join the resistance against the Russian occupiers and to maintain global security are invited by the Ukrainian authorities to join the security forces,” Kiev said.

Volunteers are invited to visit Ukrainian embassies in their home countries.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on experienced Europeans to travel to Ukraine on Friday to oppose the Russian military.

Author: Luana Pavaluca

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