Direct renewal war in Ukraine, day 57. New exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and Russia. 19 Ukrainians were released

Mayor Mariupol says the buses planned to evacuate the public have not yet arrived

Mayor Vadim Poychenko of the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol said on Thursday that the buses that were supposed to start evacuating the city’s citizens in the afternoon had not yet arrived. He also stressed that it was not possible to evacuate civilians from the Azovstel steel complex on Thursday due to the lack of a permanent ceasefire, CNN News reported.

Ukrainian officials had earlier announced that they would try to evict women, children and the elderly from the city by marching on Shevchenko Boulevard near the Port City Mall at 2:00 pm (2:00 pm Roman time).

“More than 200 residents gathered in Mariupol for evacuation. Someone said there would be a personal approach to who should be evacuated. First only women with children, then women without children and the elderly. The queue has already formed, waiting for evacuation, but we boarded buses at 15:05 where we identified. Missing, “said Poychenko.

He added that since March 13, more than 100,000 people have been evacuated from Mariupol to the Ukrainian-controlled area.

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