Direct war in Ukraine, Day 35: 10 proposals following the talks / “drastic” reduction in Russian action, viewed with suspicion / Russia accused of triggering “global food crisis”

The proposal was received with suspicion by US President Joe Biden (who said “Russia will drastically reduce war operations” around Kiev and the northern city of Chernivtsi, saying “let’s see what happens on the ground”. Prime Minister Boris Johnson was cautious – saying he would judge Russia not by words but by deeds.

War in UkrainePhoto: Photo Gallery

Summary of Tuesday:

  • Tuesday’s talks Thousands of people have been killed or wounded in a massive attack on the European state in the aftermath of World War II, which lasted more than a month at a palace in Istanbul, killing nearly 4 million people. They fled abroad and imposed sanctions on Russia.
  • Although civilians were trapped in the besieged cities, the invasion was halted on most fronts by strong opposition from Ukrainian forces recapturing the territories.
  • Civilians in the Ukrainian Armed Forces have said that Russia’s promise to reduce military action in some areas is merely a “rotation” of individual war units and aimed at misleading.
  • The Interfax news agency writes that the Russian military has accused Ukrainian forces in the attacked cities of using the ceasefire to resume preparations for fighting.
  • “We must be prepared to see a major offensive against the rest of Ukraine,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said at a news conference.
  • The Moscow-backed Donetsk People’s Republic may consider joining Russia. Kiev said there would be no legal basis for such a request.

The most important events related to the invasion on Tuesday were live on

05:58Russia’s Ministry of Transport has developed legislation requiring taxi services in both classic and ride-sharing. To provide vital intelligence services, the FSB (formerly KGB) provided “automatic remote access” to their information systems.

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05:00According to Reuters, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky will address the Australian Parliament on Thursday via video link. Australian Labor Minister Stuart Robert Zhellensky said the speech would take place at 5.30pm (7.30 GMT).

03:00The United Nations says Russia is threatening a “global food crisis” and “famine” by launching a war against Ukraine, Europe’s “grain depot”. The indictment was filed Tuesday by the Security Council.

02:30Putin has a message in the Ukrainian parliament about his war: “Life goes on, we continue to live,” CNN reported.

“Life goes on, we tell him we continue to live. Your war, your struggle against us is now in the background – we will continue to fight as long as we have to, but we will continue to live at the same time,” elected officials in Kiev told him.

00:33Ukraine will reveal the number of its soldiers killed Only after the end of the war.

00:15More than 10 million Ukrainians, more than half of Ukraine’s children, have fled their homes since the war began last month, a UN humanitarian official told the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

Of these, 6.5 million have been internally displaced and 3.9 million have crossed the border into neighboring countries, said Joyce Msua, the UN emergency humanitarian coordinator.

Msuya said humanitarian aid was increasing every day and now had more than 1,230 UN staff in the country, working with more than 100 humanitarian organizations in Ukraine.

What are Ukraine’s 10 plans following talks in Istanbul on Tuesday?

  • 1. Declaration of Ukraine as a neutral country in accordance with international legal guarantees for the implementation of the status of non-aligned and non-nuclear countries. Possible guarantee says: Russia, Great Britain, PRC, USA, France, Turkey, Germany, Canada, Italy, Poland, Israel. Other states can also join the agreement.
  • 2. Ukraine’s international security guarantees under the agreement do not apply to Crimea, Sevastopol and some parts of the Donbass. The parties must define the boundaries of these areas or each party must agree to understand them in its own way.
  • 3. Ukraine will not join any military alliance, will not establish foreign military bases or groups, and will conduct international military exercises only with the consent of guaranteed countries. In turn, the guaranteed states confirm that Ukraine aims to facilitate accession to the European Union.
  • 4. Guaranteed States and Ukraine In the event of an armed attack on Ukraine or a military operation against Ukraine, each of the Guaranteed States shall, following emergency and immediate consultation with each other (within three days), be an individual recognized under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter or Assistance to Ukraine (in response to Ukraine’s formal request) as a permanent neutral in the exercise of collective defense. This will be done through the immediate implementation of individual or joint measures, including the closure of airspace over Ukraine, the provision of the necessary weapons and the use of the armed forces to maintain the security of Ukraine permanently. Neutrality.
  • 5. Any such armed attack (any military action) and any action taken thereby shall be immediately referred to the UN. The Security Council will be informed. Such actions will cease as soon as the Security Council takes the necessary steps to restore and maintain international peace and security.
  • 6. The mechanism for the implementation of security guarantees for Ukraine will be regulated in the agreement, following further consultations between Ukraine and the guarantor countries, taking into account the protection against potential challenges.
  • 7. The Agreement shall be provisionally effective from the date of its signing by Ukraine and all / Most Guaranteed States. The agreement comes into force after Ukraine’s status as a permanent neutral state is recognized by a unanimous vote throughout Ukraine, as well as amendments to the Ukrainian Constitution and ratification by Ukraine and the Guarantees.
  • 8. The agreement proposes to establish the will of the parties to resolve the issues of Crimean and Sevastopol through bilateral talks between Ukraine and Russia within 15 years. He also proposed that Ukraine and Russia not only resolve the Crimean and Sevastopol issues militarily, but also pursue political and diplomatic efforts to resolve them.
  • 9. Security guarantees for Ukraine, ceasefire, withdrawal of troops and other paramilitary organizations, safe operation of humanitarian routes on an open and permanent basis, as well as the exchange of bodies of the dead and the release of prisoners of war and imprisoned civilians.
  • 10. The parties consider it possible for the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia to sign an agreement and / or make political decisions on pending issues. (Source: Armand GoČ™u, on his Facebook account)
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