Dmitry Guleba: Only one EU country bans oil imports from Russia

The introduction of an oil embargo against Russia is supported by almost all EU member states, with only one country opposing it, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba was quoted as saying on Monday. Ukrainian Pravda.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry KulebaPhoto: Olivier Mathews / AB – The Associated Press / Profimedia

It is no exaggeration to say that there is only one country that will continue to block the introduction of the oil embargo. [rusesc]. The EU must find a way to address our concerns and make the embargo a reality, ”he said after attending a meeting of EU foreign ministers on Monday.

He did not specify which country it was, but it was clear to Pravda journalists that he was talking about Hungary. He revealed Public opposition again and again Restrictions on natural gas and oil imports from Russia.

Dmitry Guleba warns that the time to ban Russian oil imports is over

Guleba noted that EU Foreign Minister Joseph Borel had observed the decision to implement the embargo.

The Ukrainian foreign minister stressed that it was important for the EU to maintain its unity on the issue and prevent a rift in the PA against Russia, but that “time is running out”.

“Russia continues to receive money and invest in war,” said Dmitry Guleba, warning of the need to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

“It simply came to our notice then. The question is when and what the price will be, ”he added.

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