Donald Trump says NATO has threatened that the US will not defend them against Russia unless military spending increases

Former US President Donald Trump said Thursday while in the White House that he had threatened that the U.S. military would not intervene if NATO allies did not increase their military spending and attack Russia.

During the election campaign and after he became president, Trump often described NATO as a military alliance living in line with US generosity, and he hopes to spend more money on defending other rival nations. Partners.

However, he said in a statement on Thursday that his threat was only a “foolish tactic” to force NATO countries to increase their defense budgets.

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty states that member states pledge to protect other member states of the Alliance that is allegedly under attack.

But at a summit, Donald Trump suggested that Washington not honor that promise because Agerpres says “everyone is a bad payer.”

“One of the presidents asked me, ‘Does that mean you’m not defending us? Will you not defend us against Russia?’ Trump said at the Heritage Conservative event,” That’s what I mean. “

“No, if I say no, why would they pay?”

“We are defending Europe, at the same time, they are robbing us, they are robbing us very seriously,” Trump said in a statement Thursday, maintaining his views at the White House.

On the other hand, he said he was “shocked” that this threat to other NATO countries had never been exposed by the media.

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Publisher: AC

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