Edward Snowden received a Russian passport after taking the oath of allegiance

Edward Snowden obtained a Russian passport after swearing loyalty to the country that has protected him from US authorities since 2013, his lawyer said. News.roIt quotes The Guardian.

Edward Snowden, 39, fled the U.S. and sought refuge in Russia after leaking classified files in 2013 that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations blocked by the U.S. National Security Agency.

For years, US officials have believed Snowden would return to the US on espionage charges.

Snowden was granted Russian citizenship in a decree signed by Vladimir Putin in September.

Friday, his lawyer said Edward SnowdenAnatoly Kucherena said he received Snowden’s passport.

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Edward Snowden

“Oath”he said.

Snowden, Kucherena said on Friday “happily” Russian citizenship would prevent him from being extradited.

“Of course, he is happy and grateful to the Russian Federation for citizenship – he is now a full-fledged citizen of Russia”Kucherena said.

“Most importantly, according to the Russian constitution, he cannot be extradited to a foreign state.”His lawyer pointed out,

The decision came at a very inopportune time, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and international isolation. Russia mobilized its people for war and threatened to use nuclear weapons to defend the territory it occupied in Ukraine.

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