Evacuation work from Mariupol has begun / Buses have begun to arrive in Zaporozhye.

Authorities in the city of Berdyansk finally boarded buses in the city of Berdyansk and drove to the Ukrainian-held town of Zaporozhye on Friday, the Mariupol city council said. CNN.

Mariupol, the city most bombed by the RussiansPhoto: Mikhail Tereshchenko / DOS / Profimedia

Many buses have already arrived in Zaporozhye.

Officers are checking persons and documents before getting off the bus.

“Then there’s the whole organization of volunteers and city government officials. All the refugees I’ve spoken to say their homes were destroyed in Mariupol,” a CNN reporter told the show.

He said some men had been forced to take off their shirts at Russian military checkpoints and had been tested for tattoos, which Russian forces believed would help identify if they were part of the Ukrainian military.

One of the passengers on the bus said, “An 18-year-old boy was found tattooed, immediately dressed, put a hat on his head and thrown into armor by Russian soldiers,” a CNN reporter said. .

The International Committee of the Red Cross decided on Friday night The attempt to evict the public should be postponed From the besieged city of Mariupol, step BBC.

“The ICRC team that went to Mariupol on Friday to facilitate the safe passage of the public had to return to Zaporozhye following the inability to proceed with the arrangements and conditions,” the ICRC said.

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