German President: “I made a mistake about Putin’s imperial madness” / “Nord Stream – a mistake”

While Merkel is quiet, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a pro-Moscow politician, acknowledges more than ever his mistakes in Russia’s policy of reconciliation, beginning with Nord Stream 2. “I failed,” he said Dasspegal.

Frank-Walter SteinmeierPhoto: dpa Picture Alliance / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

Putin is responsible for the outbreak of war, but that does not mean “we should not reconsider certain circumstances in which we erred.” Steinmeier firmly believes that the pre-war situation with Putin-led Russia cannot be restored.

“Nord Stream 2 is clearly wrong”

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was asked about the biggest mistakes he made at a news conference on Monday:

  • “Joining Nort Stream 2 is clearly wrong. We wanted to build bridges that Russia no longer trusts and that our partners have warned about.
  • “My assessment is that Vladimir Putin will not accept the complete economic, political and moral devastation of his country by his imperial madness. Like everyone else, I was wrong there,” he says.
  • “The main point is that we have failed to establish a common European family that includes Russia. We have failed to address the inclusion of Russia in a common security framework,” Steinmeier added.

President of 2017, Steinmeier was Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice President (2007-2009) between 2005 and 2009 and 2013 and 2017.

In 2008, Merkel decided to prevent Ukraine from entering NATO

Criticized by Volodymyr Zhelensky, Angela Merkel did not reject the 2008 decision When Ukraine refused to join NATO.

“The former president has the full support of the government and the international community for all efforts to support Ukraine, Russia’s barbarism and end the war against Ukraine, with regard to the atrocities found in Pucha and elsewhere in Ukraine,” he said. AFP quoted.

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The accession of Ukraine and Georgia to NATO in 2008 was blocked by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Merkel said it was too early to join, but “it is clear that the two countries (Ukraine and Georgia) have a chance to join.”


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