Google dusts off failed Google+ guide to fighting ChatGPT – Ars Technica

Zoom in / The Google integration monster rises with a new face.

Years ago, around 2011, Google was in a panic. Facebook was on the rise and Google was convinced that the social network would soon swallow everything. To combat this blue scourge, then Google CEO Larry Page issued a decree To his many employees: Your rewards are now linked to Google’s success in social networks! Build social features in everything! This memo resulted in many social integrations across Google which were widely disliked by the user base. YouTube Comments has been linked to Google+, and the site is flooded with spam. Creating a new Gmail address also requires creating a Google+ account. Google search has little “+1” buttons, and generally anonymous use of Google products has been impossible due to the “real name” policy. And that’s just Google+ stuff—earlier this memo resulted in the creation of a Gmail social network called Buzz that it initially forced all users to join.

That forced integration strategy was a miserable failure, and after a few years of Google’s social scare, all Google+ integrations were removed, and the service was eventually shut down. This past failure doesn’t stop Google from throwing away its losing playbook with the following big scare: bloomberg Julia Love and Davey Alba mention that Google wants to create ChatGPT-style features in everything. According to the article, Google has “directed that all of its most important products — those with more than 1 billion users — must integrate generative AI within months.”

We wrote last month that Google’s ChatGPT panic was a lot like its response to Google+, and several employees conveyed the same sentiments to Bloomberg. Just as with G+, the report added, “Current and former employees say that the ratings and reviews of at least some Google employees will likely be affected by their ability to integrate AI into their work.”

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Artificial intelligence is one of the few areas at Google that CEO Sundar Pichai is truly invested in, with the CEO saying the technology will be “more profound than fire or electricity.” Google has, for years, been a leader in artificial intelligence with voice recognition features like Google Assistant, speech synthesis features like Google Duplex, and game mastering. He goes. These features first appeared years ago, however, and the fear of coming out with imperfect products means that Google locks a lot of the technology in a lab somewhere. OpenAI isn’t afraid to push the latest AI technology to the masses. While Google releases research papers, OpenAI releases products-The company’s AI OpenGPT generative chat has led to the amazing rise of OpenAI. The chatbot is already built into Bing, and the initial novelty gained Bing 100 million daily active users in its first month. Google is no longer seen as a leader in artificial intelligence, and has been penalized by the stock market for it.

in 2021 The New York Times The article was critical of Pichai’s management style, “A common criticism among current and former executives is that Mr. Pichai’s slow deliberations often seem like a way to play it safe and come to a ‘no’.” Though many see Pichai as a source of Google’s indecision, the Bloomberg report says the CEO is now taking a more hands-on approach to product development, saying, “Lacking on to his days as a product manager, Pichai used to think straight into the details of product features, a task less a lot more than his salary, according to a former employee.”

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As for what forced AI integrations would look like, the report cites a recent YouTube feature that allows people Swap clothes approx. in the alphabet Fourth quarter 2022 The company is “working to bring large language models to Gmail and Docs,” Pichai said, so expect to be able to tap a few buttons soon and have those apps generate blocks of text. The Bloomberg article quoted a Google employee as saying, “We’re throwing noodles at the wall, but it’s not even close to what’s needed to turn the company around and be competitive.”

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