Hungary is asking Sweden to stop commenting on its internal problems in order to secure its accession to NATO.

Hungarian parliamentarians are awaiting assurances from the Swedish government that its members will stop making critical comments about the Hungarian government and the rule of law in Hungary, so that the legislature in Budapest will approve Sweden’s accession to NATO, he said. Balas Orbán is the political director of Viktor Orbán’s government.

Victor OrbanPhoto: ATTILA KISBENEDEK / AFP / Profimedia

“It is clear that we support Sweden’s accession (to NATO), the government has already made a decision, and now it is in the parliament, but there is a small problem here,” Balas Orban said publicly on Sunday. Radio Hungarian, according to the Hungarian agency MTI, quotes Agerpres.

“Some Hungarian parliamentarians do not feel comfortable (about this approach) because some members of the Swedish government have seen in recent years a habit of always questioning the state of democracy in Hungary, which has offended the voters and the Hungarians. The parliamentarians and with them the whole of Hungary,” the Hungarian official explained.

Hungary does not publish positions on issues related to Sweden’s internal affairs and expects the same from this country, and “Hungarian parliamentarians expect assurances (from members of the Swedish government) that there will be no more political discussions between them (about Hungary). There is no problem with the foundation of Hungarian-Swedish cooperation,” Balas Orban said. said.

As for Finland, Hungary has a “unique historical friendship and alliance” with the country and “seems to have managed to get a commitment from the Finns that these problems will not continue in the future”, but the situation is different in the case of Sweden, the same Hungarian official further explained.

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Only Turkey and Hungary have yet to ratify the membership of NATO members Sweden and Finland, which Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, like Brussels, has accused of spreading “shameful lies” about democracy and the state. Law in Hungary.

But Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced last Friday that he had given his approval for Finland to join the alliance, pending ratification by the parliament in Ankara. As for the approval of Sweden’s accession, Erdoğan said that it is still waiting because the government in Stockholm has not complied with Ankara’s demands to deport Turkish people with terrorist organizations, especially from the Kurdish region.

After the Turkish President’s statement, Hungary announced on March 27 that it would approve Finland’s accession to NATO.

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