“If you don’t understand what it’s for, no problem, someone smarter than you will understand/ It’s not the school’s role to tell you what derivatives and integrals are for”

The duty of the school is not to tell students how to use elements such as derivatives or integrals in life, but to give them knowledge about them so each student can decide for himself, said former Education Minister Daniel Funeriu. News.ro reports that he will learn them in order to have a successful career and a suitable lifestyle.

In a program broadcast on Saturday on DG24, he asked what he would say to students who ask them what they would use in life for some of the things taught in school, such as derivatives, integrations or some historical data. Education Daniel Funeriu responded that it is not the school’s role to answer this question. He emphasized that what students learn will define their careers and ultimately, their lives.

“Let me give you two very simple answers. First answer: If you don’t understand what it’s for, no problem, someone smarter than you will. Second answer: It’s not the school’s role to tell you what derivatives and integrals are for. It’s not the school’s role, it’s your role!” The role of the school is to teach these things. The role of the school is to say: My child, I’ll teach you the Pythagorean theorem, I’ll teach you derivatives, I’ll teach you integrations. You, and, if you use them, you’ll be an architect, you’ll be an engineer, you’ll be a doctor. If you don’t use them, you’ll have a job of less social value, a lower income, a life without… You can’t go on a boat vacation in the Mediterranean. . said Daniel Funeriu.
Discernment is the most important thing young people need to have in their relationship with school, he says.

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“Life is hard. If you have this rationality at 14, you’ll definitely get ahead in life. If you don’t have it, millions of Chinese, millions of Indians, millions of Americans will have it. Life is hard. Someone needs to teach kids this too. And in this education law, I Let me tell you one more regrettable thing. There (in the education draft laws – no) it talks about key skills. What is the most important skill a young person needs to acquire today? I’ll tell you: Reasoning. Why? Because there’s so much information… that the human brain can’t process and integrate. Today’s children are exposed to a lot of information. Then, the main skill that a 14-year-old, a 12-year-old, a 13-year-old needs to acquire is rationality, understanding what is essential and what is extraneous, understanding what can make him more. Life and what not. (…) your There is a moment when you have to take destiny into your own hands,” the former minister added.

She admitted that her children also asked why they had to learn some of the things taught in school.

Source: News.ro

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