Israel’s different positions in Moscow. The prime minister did not blame Russia for the Pucha massacre. MFA: They committed war crimes

On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett condemned the killing of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Pucha, but did not blame Russian forces for the crimes, Reuters reports.

The discovery of civilians killed on the outskirts of Kiev after the withdrawal of Russian troops has infuriated the world. The Ukrainian government views this as a genocide, but Moscow has denied responsibility for the crimes and accused Ukraine of plotting to humiliate Russia.

“We are shocked by the horrific images in Pucha – we condemn them. The suffering of the Ukrainian people is enormous and we are doing everything we can to help,” the prime minister told a news conference, according to Agerpres.

On the other hand, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Tuesday described Russia’s actions in Ukraine as “war crimes.” Sky News.

“Pictures and testimonies in Ukraine are horrific. Russian forces have committed war crimes against insecure civilians. I strongly condemn these war crimes,” he said.

Reuters notes that since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Israel has been reluctant to criticize Russia, citing Bennett’s mediation efforts to end the war. The Israeli government wants to maintain open communication lines with Russian troops in Syria, where Israeli planes frequently attack Iranian targets.

Author: AC

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