John, a 40-year-old mason, found a cell phone and returned it to its owner, who is now being held in prison in Italy.

The person answered the call PhoneHe was the one who thought to find and return. The owner recovered his mobile phone, but the Romanian called the police, accusing him of actually stealing his phone.

He was shocked that he wanted to make a good gesture and is now under criminal investigation.

“I was on my way to work when I saw a cell phone on the floor in the middle of the street. I said to myself: maybe a car will pass it and break down. If that happened to me, I would get annoyed. So I picked it up, opened it, and waited for the owner’s call. A few hours later he called me, but he came with the police. He complained of theft to me and now I risk the process.

I came here 20 years ago, ”he says,“ I feel good. Florence is my city and I never thought I would be in a situation like this. I will go to court because I wanted to return the phone to its owner. Isn’t this absurd? John told La Nacion.

“I stopped by the Cirtori and Field Manfredo Fondi. There, in the middle of the road, I found my cellphone. I picked it up – it was running. I’ll pick it up, the owner will call sooner or later,” I said to myself.

John tries to explain why he found his cell phone on the floor. He continued. And the police trying to persuade him was in vain. I said, “But if you want to steal it from me, do you think I’ll keep it and answer you?” Then he said the thing that hurt me the most: “Actually, you’re stupid.”

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“It’s wrong not to report the phone to the police immediately, but I’m not a thief. And I’m not stupid. I’m an honest Florentine and at least I want it to be recognized. “

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