Kremlin-backed MP Victor Medvedev has been arrested on treason charges

Ukrainian support Kremlin MP Viktor Medvetsuk has been captured by the Ukrainian security service, President Volodymyr Zhelensky has announced.

Kremlin support MP Victor Medvetsuk capturedPhoto: Catch Facebook

Last year, authorities opened a treason case against Medvedev, who also denies allegations that Russian President Vladimir Putin was his daughter’s godfather.

This He escaped house arrest in February.

Medvedev, who has been under house arrest since May, was first charged with treason in a case that escalated tensions between Moscow and Kiev.

In October, prosecutors announced that he had been accused of collaborating in funding Russian-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.

Renat Kuzmin, a former Ukrainian attorney general and Medvetsk’s ally, wrote in a telegram on January 10, 2022, that the district court had extended Medvetsk’s house arrest for another 60 days.

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