Like Putin, the former Brazilian president says Jelensky is “responsible” for the war

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has told the US press that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky, like Russian President Vladimir Putin, is “responsible” for the conflict in his country. Time Released Wednesday.

Luis Ignacio Lula da SilvaPhoto: Flickr / Alexander Bonilla

“I see the Ukrainian president being praised by all parliaments (in the world), but he’s as responsible as Putin. He is not guilty of war,” the Brazilian presidential candidate said in October.

“He wanted war, and if he did not, he would have negotiated a little more,” he added.

“Man, you’re a good comedian, but we’re not going to fight, so you can play.”

Lula also described Gelensky’s behavior as “strange”: “It seems like part of a show. He should worry more about the negotiating table.”

The leader of the Brazilian left has accused Western powers of “inciting hatred against Putin.”

“If we provoke Zhelensky, he thinks he’s the best. In fact, he should have been seriously told, ‘Man, you’re a good comedian, but we’re not going to wage a war, so you can play.’ Putin said, “You have a lot of weapons, but you do not have to use them against Ukraine. Let’s talk! ” Insisted.

Lula, 76, who headed to Brazil twice between 2003 and 2010, pointed the finger at US President Joe Biden, who said he had “failed to make the right decision” during the conflict. Ukraine.

“The United States has a very important role to play and could have avoided the conflict (…). Biden may have been more involved, flew to Moscow and talked with Putin. This is the attitude you would expect from a leader,” he said.

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He also attacked the UN. “The creation of a new global administration is urgent. The UN is no longer there, it is no longer taken seriously by the leaders. Putin has occupied Ukraine unilaterally without consulting the UN,” he said.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Brazilian left has had a vague position, condemning the Russian invasion and, on the one hand, but taking responsibility for NATO, on the other.

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