Macrona or Le Penna? The French face a historical choice and two worldviews

On Sunday the French people will vote to elect their next president and, as of 2017, to choose between two France and two worldviews: the current president, Emmanuel Macron, and the far-right leader, Marine Le Pen. According to the AFP, the gates of power.

Le Pen – Macron DebatePhoto: YouTube Capture

Updated 19:15 Presidential election in France: 63.23% turnout at 15:00 GMT, 2 points less than 2017

At 10:00 GMT the turnout was 26.41%, almost two points lower than the same fight between Macron and Le Pen in the previous presidential election in 2017.

This is down from the second round of the 2012 (30.66%) and 2007 (34.11%) elections.

Polling stations – 48.7 million voters are invited to vote – will be closed at 5 pm GMT and 6 pm GMT in major cities.

The French face a historic election: the re-election of the current president or the election of a woman, which will provoke the far right to lead the country first and foremost.

This option will be an explosion echoing across the country’s borders, comparable to the British Brexit and Donald Trump’s election to the United States in 2016.

The re-election of 44-year-old Macron will continue, and although the presidential candidate has promised deep renewal, he has said he wants to put ecology at the center of his second and final term.

In 2002 he will be the first French president to be re-elected for the second time in 20 years by Jacques Chirac.

His divergent stances on certain matters, his vicious and contemptuous expressions, as well as his vertical actions of power, made some Frenchmen delighted that they were disconnected from their everyday realities and difficult conclusions.

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He was soon described as the “president of the rich”, especially after two decisions that the Left never accepted at the beginning of his term: the abolition of property taxes (ISF) and the reduction of housing subsidies.

Violence against the “yellow robe” social movement (including protesters wounded in law enforcement firing) and immigrants (Afghans, Syrians, Sudanese …) “despicable” treatment by many international and national NGOs in French territory, especially in Calais (North) , Permanently removed the left part, it still comes.

Is a little tired “

Le Pen, 53, softened and softened his speech and softened his image to the point of rejecting the extreme right-wing label. Although its agenda has not changed significantly, especially in relation to immigration, it is reaping the benefits of a long-term “demonization” strategy.

With a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and the driving force behind the Le Pen nuclear issue in the European Union, it will be an earthquake, especially in the harsh environment at the gate. Of Europe.

In front of a school in Rennes (western France), 76-year-old Bernard Mougier, who lives in a key part of the city, said he had voted “to avoid a civil war.” He said he was concerned about the outcome of the election.

When asked at a polling station in the Paris region, 76-year-old Anny Platroze said, “for the first time in her life” she did not know “who to vote for in the first round” and “had no hope”.

However, she’s there too, 27-year-old saleswoman Katia said, “coming in unsure, a little tired.”

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Macron and his wife voted at noon in Le Touquet (north), where the couple has a second home.

Marine Le Pen, meanwhile, voted in her hometown of Henin-Beaumont (north) at 9 a.m. GMT.

Two France

Recent polls released on Friday night show that Macron is a favorite beyond the bounds of error. But far from the score he received in 2017, he became the youngest president of the Fifth Republic, founded in 1958, at the age of 39, when he defeated his rival by 66.1% of the vote, up from 33.9%.

The plans of the two candidates are contradictory and offer completely different perspectives on Europe, the economy, purchasing power, relations with Russia, pensions, immigration, and the environment.

After five years of crisis, from “Gillette Jones” to Covid, the two France will face each other.

Emmanuel Macron faced his opponent, advanced by more than four points and won the first round (27.85%), reactivating the “Republican Front” to block the far right.

The National Assembly candidate, in his third attempt, relied on another front, “Macron after all.”

Between two rounds, both candidates loved the voters of the far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who finished third in the first round on April 10, with nearly 22% of the vote.

Voters will be called back to the polls on June 12 and 19 for the legislative elections that will see the new president seek the majority needed to govern.

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