Mihaela Radulescu’s son is a man by nature. Ayan is unidentified. Photo – Today’s event

Mihaela Rădulescu’s son, Ion, studies in the United States, where he has been admitted to two American universities, and is interested in sports. The presenter said that she is proud of her son, but regrets not being able to see him more often. He also drastically changed his physical appearance.

“He is in a moment of success, he is on a very good path, but I suffer because I told him about the schools in America, I suffer because I did it myself,” said Mihaela Radulescu on Amalia Enache’s podcast, last summer.

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The star admitted that she is happy that her son is interested in sports and is happy to do as many activities as possible. “Free time is about sports and outdoors and less about video games or Snapchat. So far so good, I’m doing my best to keep him on track,” the star said.

Mihaela Rădulescu’s son, in the rehabilitation center

Mihaela Radulescu also said she took her son to rehab when he was 14 to show him how dangerous drugs are and why it’s not good to ruin his life. The star said she thought it was great for Ayan to see people with problems with banned substances.

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“When he was 14 years old, I did an initial walk with him to a rehab center in the brutal section for drug addiction withdrawal. There are people banging their heads on radiators and kids and teenagers. It’s a show that makes you throw up. You don’t want to go near drugs,” the report said. Click.ro.

Mihaela Rădulescu said she never hits her son and avoids swearing. She also said that she is a very happy mother and believes that she has guided him on the right path.

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“When it came to imposing rules, I did, but I never yelled at my child, hit him or used an offensive name. I fully believe in love, communication and paying maximum attention to what he does, says and thinks. Before I teach my child anything , I cared about teaching him, understanding who he is, what makes him happy, what scares him or animates him. I don’t believe that we can educate our children according to universal methods or the advice of others. Blood from your blood is a very personal thing. Education should be systematized. .I never had doubts about myself, about that mother, I did this work with all my love, I did it, I always found the right solutions, at least until now”, said the presenter.

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