Mike Tyson stabbed a passenger who disturbed him on the flight

Former boxer Mike Tyson stabs one of his favorite passengers before taking off from San Francisco Airport in Florida. Reports to TMZ.

Another traveler captured the moment.

Initially, Mike Tyson agreed to play a selfie with a passenger who had secured a seat on the plane behind the former world heavyweight boxing champion.

However, this did not reassure the fan that he was more and more agitated in the presence of Mike Tyson. The witness who filmed the incident told TMZ that the passenger was constantly harassing Tyson with various questions.

The incident took place shortly before departure. At one point, the 55-year-old former boxer, who dominated the heavyweight division between 1980 and 1990, asked passengers to calm down.

When this did not happen, Mike Tyson got up from his seat and began to beat the passenger’s face until it started to bleed.

U.S. police say two men were taken into custody without being named: one “under medical treatment for serious injuries” and the other “refusing to cooperate with providing minimal information about the incident.”

Author: Mihnia Lazar

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