Municipal representatives are calling for Putin’s resignation, a rare act of protest

N. Onofre •

Representatives from 18 municipal districts in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Golpino have called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to resign, according to a petition posted on Twitter on Monday. CNN.

Vladimir PutinPhoto: Gavriil Grigorov / AFP / Profimedia Images

“We, the municipal representatives of Russia, believe that the actions of President Vladimir Putin harm the future of Russia and its citizens. We demand the resignation of Vladimir Putin from the post of President of the Russian Federation,” said the petition released by Ksenia Thorstrom, local deputy of the Semanovsky district of St. Petersburg.

The petition comes after Russia’s first regional and municipal elections since the start of the war, in which pro-Kremlin candidates won overwhelmingly.

“The text of the petition is brief and does not ‘defame’ anyone. If you are Mundeb [deputați municipali] And want to join, you’re welcome,” Thorstrom said in a Twitter post.

The Council of Moscow District (Lomonosovsky) demanded Putin’s resignation. “Your ideas and your governance model are hopelessly out of date and hinder Russia’s development and its human potential,” the council said.

Russian officials have called for Putin’s indictment

Last week, representatives of the Smolninskoye municipality in St. Petersburg They demanded The State Duma of the Russian Federation has indicted Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the document, in a war started by Vladimir Putin On February 24 “Combat-ready units” of the Russian military are being destroyed, “talented youth, citizens of Russia” are dying, the country’s economy is suffering, the length of Russia’s border with NATO countries has doubled, and Ukraine is getting new weaponsHowever one of the goals of the “special military operation” was to “militarize” the country.

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The document also states that “the Russian president’s decision to launch a special military operation will harm the security of Russia and its citizens.”

“In this regard, as representatives of the State Duma, we ask you to come up with a proposal to bring charges of treason against the President of the Russian Federation in order to remove him from office,” the appeal reads.

Many representatives He now faces charges of defaming the Russian militaryAccording to a post on Twitter by Nikita Yuferev, one of the local authorities.

A shift in discourse on Russian state television as well

The whole move comes as Russian state media has also shifted its tone toward President Putin’s war.

At the start of the war, commentators on Russian state television vied with each other to voice their support for Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation,” including reports of threats from the West, and a lightning counterattack by Ukrainian forces forced a shift in rhetoric. State media pleads for peace talks with Ukraine

Boris Nadeshtin, a former liberal politician and regular talk show guest, said on the Gazprom-owned NTV channel. Putin was misled by advisersleading him to believe that Ukraine would soon surrender He called for peace talks to end the conflict quickly. write down Newsweek.

Vitaly Ganchev, a Russian-appointed officer in the Kharkiv regionsaid State television Rossiya-24 said Russian troops were “eight times” outnumbered. He claimed, without evidence, that Ukrainian forces were being strengthened by “Western mercenaries”.

“The situation is getting more difficult by the hour,” Ganchev said, adding that the border with the Russian region of Belgorod was closed.

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