NASA prepares to spin SLS Megarocket for launch pad

A NASA Space Launch System rocket inside the Vehicle Assembly Building.

NASA space launch System A missile inside the vehicle assembly building.
Photo: NASA

NASA is preparing to take a big step forward this week as it prepares for Space Launch System for its inaugural launch and official start of The era of Artemis.

Speaking to reporters yesterday in a remote mediaNASA said it has completed its final reviews andAt long last, the SLS is finally ready for the launch pad. “We are in very good shape and ready to move forward with this show Thursday night,” said Charlie Blackwell Thompson, Artemis launch manager at NASA. UPI Reports. To which he added: “It will be a great and wonderful sight to see the amazing Artemis vehicle cross the threshold [Vehicle Assembly Building] And we’re seeing him outside that building for the first time.”

The fully-stacked 5.75-million-pound rocket—along with the Orion capsule on top—the NASA spacecraft. holographic Building 5:00 PM EST on March 17th.kilometers) the journey takes six kilometers Up to 12 hours to complete, as NASA’s Crawler Transporter 2, moving at less than one mile per hour, will slowly transfer the rocket to Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The rocket’s arrival at the launch site will set the stage for a critically important rehearsal, where the rocket will be loaded with propellant and a training countdown is performed and stopped just before ignition. The wet dress is currently scheduled for April 3.

According to SpaceNews, NASA expect He will take care of it Eight hours to load the SLS with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants, while it took 2.5 hours to load the Space Shuttle, which used similar components. There are two reasons for this, as explained by Blackwell Thompson; First, he said during the conference call “it’s a big ol phase,” and second, the SLS has an upper phase that requires refueling, The loading of this missile must be staggered.

Upon completion of the rehearsal, The tanks will be drained and the missile will return to the Vehicle Assembly Building For more tests and modifications. NASA has not yet announced a date for the first time SLS launch, but during Briefing on February 24, an agency mentioned A launch window opens on May 7 and closes on May 21. TRepresents the inaugural launch The Artemis 1 mission, the first in the new Artemis lunar program that will eventually see humans land on the moon again. who – which Artemis 1 May happen in June or July is not out of question. NASA will be in a better position to announce the launch date when the wet dress is finished; as The SLS is “a very complex vehicle and a very complex machine,” Tom Whitmer, NASA associate administrator for Exploration Systems Development, said during the conference call.

Upon launch, the rocket’s quadruple array of RS-25 engines will provide 8.8 million pounds of thrust, which is 15% more than NASA’s Saturn V rocket from the Apollo era. Fun aside, the SLS will be the longest rocket on NASA’s launch pad since the Apollo 17 mission.

SLS is a lot-A delayed project, so that’s it welcome Newsletter. For the Artemis 1 mission, the unmanned Orion capsule will travel to an orbit 40,000 miles from the Moon and return to Earth, without reaching the surface of the moon. Artemis 2, slated for May 2024, will be a redundant, except that it will carry a human crew.. Artemis 3, which could happen early The year 2025 is the grand prize: the time is right Two NASA astronauts – a man and a woman – will walk on the moon.

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