New York has the first “rat jar”. Who is the woman who must rid the city of rodents?

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Kathleen Corradi has been hired as director of rodent abatement for New York City. Photo:

The search for New York’s first “Rat King” is over. He reports that Kathleen Corradi has been hired as the city’s director of rodent abatement. CNN.

Corradi will coordinate several city agencies, such as the health and sanitation, parks and recreation and sanitation departments, to find “innovative ways to cut off rodent food sources.” It will “use new technologies to detect and eradicate rat populations,” said city mayor Eric Adams.

The city also announced the creation of a “rat exclusion zone” covering much of Manhattan’s North Side, where $3.5 million will be spent to increase inspections, use traps and reinforce floors in some public buildings to prevent the rodents from making their burrows.

“Rat decline is more than a quality-of-life issue for New Yorkers,” said Corradi, who previously served as director of spatial planning for the city’s Department of Education.

“Rats are a symptom of systemic issues including health, sanitation, housing and economic justice. As the first Director of Rodent Control, I am excited to bring a science-based, systems-based approach to the fight against rats. New York pizza may be famous for rats, but rats and the conditions that help them thrive are no longer tolerated. Dirty barriers and unmanaged spaces will no longer be tolerated,” he added.

“The rats are going to hate Kathy, but we’re excited to have her lead this important initiative,” Meyer said.

Late last year, New York City Hall put the title of “Rat King” up for grabs.

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At the time, the municipality said it wanted someone with “resolute and killer instinct”, tough, cunning and an “overall rebellious aura”.

It is not known exactly how many rats there are in the big city. An urban legend says that it has more rats than people, more than 8 million. However, a 2014 study estimated it at around two million mice.

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