One month of war: how much Russia has lost – soldiers, tanks, armored vehicles, planes and helicopters

To doUkrainian army Says He would have inflicted considerable damage to Russian forces in the war for a whole month. According to Ukraine, Fr.15,800 Russian soldiers were killed, wounded, captured or deserted.

Russian armored vehicles were destroyedPhoto: Photo Gallery

How many troops did Russia lose in the war with Ukraine?

According to him, since the beginning of the war in Vladimir Putin in Ukraine on February 24, until Thursday, the Ukrainian military and civilian forces have been able to destroy:

  • 530 tanks
  • 1,597 armored vehicles
  • 280 artillery systems
  • 82 Multiple rocket launchers
  • 47 air defense mechanisms
  • 108 aircraft
  • 124 helicopters
  • 1008 vehicles
  • 4 ships (now 1 – A large landing ship Thursday morning sank)
  • 50 drones

The figures provided by Ukraine cannot be verified independently under the given conditions, and should be viewed with some degree of suspicion.

What military troops and equipment did Ukraine lose in the war with Russia?

Similarly, Russia announces This in turn caused great damage to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Overall, since the beginning of the “special military operation”, Russia was able to destroy it In Ukraine:

– 255 unmanned aerial vehicles

– 189 anti-aircraft missile systems

– 1,564 tanks and other armored vehicles

– 158 Multiple missile launching systems

– 612 field artillery and motor systems

– 1,367 Special Forces Vehicle Divisions


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