Photo shows a map of Mariupol after the Russians captured three-quarters of the city

After weeks of heavy fighting that led to a major humanitarian catastrophe, Russian forces have been able to occupy three-quarters of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. However, the Ukrainian soldiers still resisted, sticking to parts of the city under their control.

Map of MariupolPhoto: Telegram

This strategic port city in eastern Ukraine has been completely besieged by the Russian military since March 5. 10th day of the war. A map released by British military intelligence on its Telegram channel on Thursday shows that 76% of the city was occupied by Russians, while Ukrainians retained control of the strips in the central and western parts of the city.

Although much of the Ukrainian-controlled territory is located off the coast, it is not possible to return the city by sea after the Russians cut off Ukraine’s access to the Sea of ​​Azov. From March 1st.

British intelligence also estimates that Mariupol was the only area where Russian forces were stationed at the end of March They were able to progress In the early days of the war it was against the backdrop of the widespread failure of Moscow’s offensive to capture the key strategic objectives it had set for itself.

Humanitarian disaster in Mariupol

On Wednesday night, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky accused Russia of blocking humanitarian access to Mariupol to cover up “thousands” of victims after more than a month of bombings and rocket attacks. They were completely destroyed City.

“Not tens, but thousands of people were killed and thousands wounded,” he stressed. “We know how many (Ukrainian) soldiers died there, how many were injured, but we do not know how many civilians.”

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His comments came shortly after Ukrainian Mayor Vadim Poichenko estimated the number of civilians killed in Russian attacks. Over 5,000210 of them are children. He also said that the Russians have Brought a moving fire Mariupol to destroy traces of crime.

The Russians have already chosen Own a mayor For the city area he controls, the local councilor of the pro-Russian opposition base – the Party for Life. Ukraine Prohibited operation Pro-Russian parties on March 20.

The Red Cross on Thursday estimated the number of people to be evacuated from the city of Mariupol, which they captured, at 100,000. Very scary scenes Since the outbreak of war before the Russian massacre was discovered புச்சா And elsewhere Irpinea Or Borodonga.

Follow the latest developments Live 43rd day of the war in Ukraine on HOTNEWS.RO.

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