Politics: China ships guns, bulletproof vests to Russian companies

Trade and customs data from June to December 2022 show that Chinese companies exported 1,000 assault rifles and parts for drones and other equipment such as bulletproof vests to Russian companies. Politics.

Video conference Xi Jinping – Vladimir PutinPhoto: Mikhail Klimentyev / Sputnik / Profimedia

One of the companies involved is Da-Jiang Innovations Science & Technology Co. (DJI), has been under US sanctions since 2021 for helping the Chinese government monitor the persecuted Uighur community in Xinjiang.

DJI shipped drone parts, including batteries and cameras, to a Russian company via the United Arab Emirates in November and December 2022. Independence of Kiev.

According to Politico, China North Industries Group Corporation Ltd transferred the firearms to Tekrim, a company that does business with the Russian military, in June 2022.

Given the “dual-use” nature of these products, as Politico points out, there is no clear evidence that the exports are intended for the battlefield.

In recent weeks, however, Western countries have expressed growing concern about China’s potential involvement in the war.

CIA Director Bill Burns told CBS News on February 24 that China is considering sending dangerous aid to Russia and has brought the matter to the public in hopes of dissuading Beijing from moving forward with such a decision.

Burns pointed out that sending dangerous aid to Russia would be a “very dangerous and irresponsible gamble” for Chinese President Xi Jinping.

On March 2, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged China not to arm Russia and instead encouraged Beijing to “use its influence in Moscow to insist on the withdrawal of Russian troops.”

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