Questions for CTP, Cîśu: Who paid and how much did it cost to visit the United States? How do 100 million vaccines justify how many of us are there?

Mr. Who paid for Cîśu’s visit to the United States, and how much did it cost ?, asked Cristian Tudor Popescu on Digi24 on Friday night. The journalist says he would like to know the answer, especially in the context of “zero” the end of the visit. “What about the 100 million dose vaccine” purchased for a population of 18 million Romanians? – CTP also indicates an epidemic return to question community. “Explain, I don’t think he has to explain to us, he has to explain to DNA, Mr.

Christian Tudor Bobes: Mr. Cîśu is now visiting Kiev. Mr. I have a question about baby visits. Who paid for Mr. Sittu’s visit to the US and how much did it cost? Except for a little shopping – Mr. Cîțu probably checked prices in the US – the result of this visit was “it” (zero – version). Just before he landed.

Claudiu Pandaru, Digi24 Journalist: Maybe he didn’t tell them …

Christian Tudor Bobes: Well, he didn’t tell them! I do not know what the outcome, he did not have time to contact …

Now going to Kiev, Mr. Baby – this is what people are asking, this question comes up again – what about the 100 million dose vaccine? What price, I do not know, is a billion euros. How is it going? In a population of 18 million, or in the present number.

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How is it going? Don’t want to investigate it? Such an acquisition … OK sir let the DNA come in sir. This is a common case, it may be, I do not know, but this is a common corruption case. If you start buying such a size, apparently from the beginning, without the need …

Claudius Bandaru: With two corrections if I can. First, as far as I can remember, the purchase was made at the European level.

Christian Tudor Bobes: So? How about on a European scale? Has anyone put 100 million vaccines in our throats?

Claudius Bandaru: We asked for the required amount.

“Explain, I think he did not explain to us, he should explain to DNA”

Christian Tudor Bobes: Well, we asked for 100 million because Brussels came and told us “Yes, do not take less than 100 million!”.

Claudius Bandaru: The ministers of that time, Mr. Led by Cîśu, they had to explain how they thought and why they did it.

Christian Tudor Bobes: Well, to explain, I guess he didn’t explain to us, he had to explain to DNA. I mean, why not buy like that? Didn’t handle DNA corruption? This is a direct award, with dedication … 100 million. How do you justify taking the 100 million dose vaccine sir? Come on, let’s ask for an explanation.

I once asked Cîśu: “The European Union predicts 40% extinction, 40% could be lost. Well, it refers to vaccines that are not lost, degraded, or destroyed from the beginning. This is because a large amount of these vaccines are unlikely to be extinct because they were wasted from the beginning. And there is no investigation in this direction.

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Claudio Pontaru: First it becomes clear that we need explanations …

Cristian Tudor Popescu: Yes, explanations. But Mr. Sittu is busy and he is going to Kiev now. In Denise, his “hypocrite.”

Author: Liviu Kojan

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