Roscosmos chief praises US unity on board ISS: “You are an example for the whole world”

Director of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) Yuri Borisov on Tuesday welcomed the solidarity shown by the US side during the recent problem detected in the Russian section of the International Space Station (ISS) after an accidental leak. Tasse and Agerpres.

President of Roscosmos, Yuri BorisovPhoto: Aleksey Nikolskyi / Sputnik / Profimedia Images

“We salute the entire American team, they behaved very politely in this situation and reached out to help us. But I believe we will solve the problem in our own way,” said the three Russian cosmonauts aboard the ISS, Sergei Prokofiev, Dmitry Betlin and Yuri Borisov said in a discussion with Anna Kikhina.

“I’m sure this little incident with the temperature control system (in the Soyuz MS-22 capsule) had no effect on your morale and ability to keep yourself cool,” he continued, according to a transcript released by Roscosmos.

“You are an example to the whole world of how to work in a very terrible and difficult situation. I hope many politicians will learn a lesson,” added Borisov.

Leakage from Soyuz MS-22 happened Russian cosmonauts Sergei Prokofiev and Dmitry Betlin were preparing for a spacewalk last Wednesday when it was ultimately canceled.

Source of that leak has been identified: This is from the cooling system of the Soyuz capsule, and the liquid found outside the capsule is, a priori, the coolant.

The new head of Roscosmos replaced the militant Dmitry Rogozin

On Monday, Roscosmos reported that the temperature in the Russian capsule remained stable at around 30 degrees Celsius. According to the same agency, the cause of the leak is being investigated, and a special commission will decide whether the space vehicle can still bring astronauts back to Earth.

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The ISS represents some of the areas of cooperation that are still active between the United States and Russia after the start of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine. 24 February After the sanctions, it was accepted by the West.

Russian President Vladimir Putin Replaced Dmitri Rogozin With Borisov at the helm of Roscosmos in mid-July.

Before being appointed to this post, he was, like Rogozin, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister for Defense Coordination. However, unlike his predecessor, Borisov is a proponent of cooperation with international partners in the space industry.

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