Russia closes Deutsche Welle office in Moscow after Germany bans Today

Russia on Thursday ordered the closure of the local office of German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) and the suspension of its programs, in response to a ban on Russia’s Today news channel in Germany.

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement listing “retaliatory measures” taken by Moscow, including “closing the local office of Deutsche Welle”, “revoking the authorization of all staff of the office” and “emission interference”. Taking Russia, AFP and Reuters, Agerpres writes.

According to the same report by the Russian MFA, sanctions are being imposed in Germany against “representatives of the German government and public structures involved in controlling RT’s broadcasts.”

Russian diplomacy announced a procedure for declaring Deutsche Welle a “foreign agent”, a word of respect and controversy already used by many Russian media outlets criticizing Moscow’s authority.

The Russian MFA says the move is a “first step” in Moscow’s retaliation, promising another “correct response”.

Banned in Russia Today, Germany

The sanctions come after the German media regulator (ZAK) announced on Wednesday that it would ban the broadcast of the Russian-language news channel Russia Today (RT DE), which was launched on December 16, and instead imposed a ban on the use of satellites. Serbian license.

While ZAK claims that RT.DE’s “necessary recognition” for the broadcast was “not demanded or granted”, Moscow considers that the actions behind the tensions between Russia and the West are based on “political considerations”.

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Launched in 2005 as Russia Today, the Russian-funded RT channel has expanded with broadcasters and sites in many languages, including English, French, Spanish, German and Arabic.

Considered an international Kremlin propaganda tool, it has caused controversy in many countries.

Author: B.P.

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