Russian envoy to UN General Assembly: I apologize on behalf of all Russians for failing to stop the invasion of Ukraine

On Sunday, the UN. The head of the Russian delegation, who attended a keynote meeting on climate change, apologized for the Russian military’s occupation of Ukraine, which, according to several sources, heard his statement during the closed-door video conference. 195 countries, AFP reports. .

This surprising intervention by Oleg Anisimo comes as a result of a serious statement by Ukrainian Representative Svitlana Krakowska about the situation in his country.

“I apologize on behalf of all Russians who could not prevent this conflict,” Anisimov said during a plenary session at the end of talks in Russian, three different sources told the AFP, which heard the official translation by the UN into English. For his words.

“Those who see what is happening cannot find a justification for this attack on Ukraine,” he added, adding that, according to the same sources, he expressed “great admiration” for the Ukrainian delegation. AFP did not access his text in Russian.

At the request of the AFP, Anisimov said his words should not be interpreted as “an official statement from the Russian delegation.” They express my opinion and my personal attitude, he said.

“We will not surrender to Ukraine, we hope the world will not surrender to create a stable climate future,” Svitlana Krakowska, who continues to serve in the war in her country, said in English on Sunday, according to several sources.

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The participant in the conference said of the Russian official: “He knows he is personally at risk, this is very honest news.”

“Man-made climate change and the war in Ukraine have the same roots: fossil fuels and their dependence,” he added.

Delegates and observers who attended the final meeting, which preceded the release of the official report by the UN Climate Experts (GIEC) on Monday, were impressed by the exchange, several witnesses said.

“He knows he’s taking a personal risk, and this is very honest news,” a conference participant told the AFP about the Russian delegation.

After two weeks of closed-door online talks closed by the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, UN climate change experts will unravel the catastrophic picture of the impact of climate change in their new report on Monday, Agerpres was quoted as saying.

Svitlana Krakowska, after years of meticulous work by scientists around the world, expressed her regret that Giec’s statement “should be in the media to compete in the war.”

Author: Liviu Kojan

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