Russian propaganda on state TV says North Korean regime ready to send 100,000 troops to support Russian invasion of Ukraine

Russian state television says North Korea has offered to send 100,000 soldiers to support Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the New York Post, citing, writes.

The prospect of military assistance could not be immediately verified, but was picked up by Russian defense expert Igor Korodchenko.

“There is information that 100,000 North Korean volunteers are ready to come and take part in the conflict,” Korodchenko told Russia’s Channel One.

Korodchenko was particularly interested in what he called North Korea’s “substantial experience in anti-battery radar,” which has given Ukraine success with long-range artillery since it bought systems of US-made HIMARS missiles in June.

“If North Korea is willing to fulfill its international obligation to fight Ukrainian fascism, we should let them,” Korodchenko said.

The North Korean aid comes as several states close to Russia have so-called “volunteer” forces, which some Western intelligence analysts have taken as a sign that Vladimir Putin lacks the political capital to orchestrate mass mobilization in Russia.

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