Scientists warn that the newly discovered galaxies should not exist

Scientists have made a whole host of surprising new discoveries with the James Webb Space Telescope recently.

Now, a group of galaxies has been observed that researchers claim should not have existed at all in their current state.

The oldest and largest galaxies found by NASA’s telescope appear to be much larger than expected.

As for their relative location in the universe, researchers have claimed that they are more mature than expected.

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The surprising nature of the discovery may indicate that the scientific community may be missing out on information essential to our understanding of the universe.

The new research focused on experts “stress testing” galaxies to see how they formed.


“If the masses are right, we’re in uncharted territory,” said Mike Boylan-Kolchin, of the University of Texas at Austin and author of a new paper examining non-traditional galaxies.

“We would ask for something very new about galaxy formation or a modification in cosmology. One of the most extreme possibilities is that the universe was expanding faster soon after the Big Bang than we expect, which would require new forces and particles.”

Professor Boylan-Kolchin’s paper, “An ΛCDM stress test with high redshift candidate galaxies,” was published in Nature Astronomy this week.

Scientific discoveries in our universe continue to make headlines in 2023. Recently, a “runaway” supermassive black hole was spotted traveling at four million miles per hour away from its galaxy.

Instead of raising the light around it, the object is thought to be actively producing new young stars. A string of newborn stars has now been discovered in its wake, stretching an incredible 200,000 light-years in length.

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