“The hoteliers had the opportunity to buy season tickets for tourists paying less than 17 Li per day. They were not interested in this facility.”

G4Media, in a report published on Monday, showed how Mamiya Resort is occupied by tourists in the middle of the 2022 season, a situation that has several explanations. One of the additional reasons why tourists bypass Mamaia and the Orient, for example to Eforie, is the high cost of parking for a day at the resort.

The area is of zero quality, meaning it is the most expensive in Constanta and it costs 96 lei per day to leave your car in the public parking lot. In other words, a family that wants to spend a week in Mamaia will have to pay almost 700 lei extra for parking. That’s why, unlike other years, free parking spaces in Mamaia are at your disposal.

The city manager of Constanta, Felicia Ovanetsian, explained for G4Media that the public parking regulation adopted by the local administration contains a provision that allows hoteliers to obtain a parking space for 499 li per month.

Therefore, hoteliers can offer free parking spaces to tourists (carrying the price of the hoteliers or adding it to the price of the accommodation) or parking spaces for almost 17 lei per day instead of 96 lei. Beachcombers. Hoteliers don’t want to use the facility, Felicia Ovanesian says.


More than half of the sunbeds at the Mamaia resort are empty, the umbrellas are closed, the staff are talking on the terrace or strolling in search of potential customers, and the road traffic is lighter than ever at this time of year. We’re in the middle of summer, and on the second weekend of July, Mamiya gets the bill.

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Today, Mamiya is paying for the harmful policy of the local administration headed by Radu Masare, which has been turned into a resort, with owners of luxury apartments who don’t even spend their summer here.

In addition to this reason, there are some explanations for the fact that in the middle of summer, the most bustling resort on the coast is deserted. Read all descriptions G4 Media Report.

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