The Japanese billionaire has sent a letter to Zhelensky announcing a donation of nearly 8 million euros to Ukraine.

A Japanese millionaire is donating 1 billion yen, or about 7.7 million euros, to the Kiev government. Kyoto and AFP reports that he has written a letter to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky. The message sent by the Japanese was that the money was for the victims of the violence.

Hiroshi Mikidani, the founder of Raguden e-commerce, condemned the Russian attack as “anti-democratic” but said in a letter that it had been paid for “humanitarian work to help people in violence-stricken Ukraine.” .

Mikidani recalled that he had been in Kiev in 2019 and had met with Zhelensky, expressing his genuine hope that “Russia and Ukraine can resolve this issue peacefully and that the Ukrainian people can find peace soon.” Sources cited by Agerpres.

The Japanese government has announced a series of measures against Moscow targeting key exports such as finance and electronics.

In addition to the first sanctions announced, new measures taken by Tokyo will include “freezing assets and suspending visas for Russian individuals and companies,” Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said after an online meeting of G7 leaders on Friday. .

Author: A.A.

See also  Of the 50,000 prisoners Wagner recruited, only 10,000 remained at the front. The rest have died or withdrawn (NGO).

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