The Pentagon has rejected Poland’s proposal to transfer fighter jets to the United States to supply Ukraine

The Pentagon has rejected Poland’s proposal to transfer its MiG – 29 fighter jets to the United States for later supply to Ukraine, which Pentagon press secretary John Kirby quoted as saying Tuesday. CNN.

Pentagon spokesman John KirbyPhoto: Nicholas Gum / AFP / Profimedia Images

The Pentagon is in touch with the Polish government on the matter, but Kirby said in a statement that Poland’s proposal “shows the problem” in transferring aircraft to Ukraine.

“It is not clear to us whether there is a substantial justification for this action,” Kirby said. “We will continue to consult with Poland and our other NATO allies on this issue and the difficult logistics challenges it poses, but we do not believe that Poland’s proposal is sustainable,” he said.

The Polish government proposed on Tuesday Moves all MiG-29 aircraft to Rammstein Air Force Base According to a report by the US Air Force in Germany. The ministry said the US government would provide them to Ukraine.

In contrast, Poland demanded used fighter jets to replace the MiG-29.

But Kirby said the idea put forward by Poland was too dangerous because the US and NATO were trying to avoid a total confrontation between the alliance and Russia.

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