The turnout in the April 3 elections was the highest in 30 years / The war in Ukraine was “not our war” / “Hungary will have no power if Russia cuts supplies”

In an interview with a public radio station on Friday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn quoted MTI as saying that no election in the last 30 years had played a greater role than the parliamentary elections on April 3.

“War or peace is central to the future of the country. We must prevent the Hungarians from being dragged into the war. This is not our war,” Orban said, referring to Russia’s February 24 military occupation of Ukraine.

He said voters should “realize the seriousness of the situation and see the horrors of war and its possible consequences in Hungary.” “We will defend our homeland, we will defend Hungary, we will vote for peace,” said the Hungarian chief executive.

The war in Ukraine is not our war; Here we can not win, but lose everything. The question is whether the economy is functioning or not. We condemn the Russian offensive, but at the same time destroy the Ukrainians if we destroy ourselves, “said Victor Orban.

According to him, unlike Hungary, other countries have the transport and storage capacity to allow handling without gas or oil from Russia. “Hungary will have no power if supplies from Russia are reduced,” he said, adding that the Hungarian economy could not function without it.

Orban accused the Hungarian political opposition of concluding “its own secret agreement” that if it wins Sunday’s election, it will “begin to carry arms to Ukraine and begin to cut gas and oil from Russia, which will destroy Hungary.” “This is dangerous and dangerous: the left is playing with fire,” the Hungarian prime minister warned.

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In his view, Europe is facing a “serious and deep economic crisis, the causes of which are deeper than the Russo-Ukrainian war”, and the European economy is having problems with its competitiveness.

Referring to Sunday’s referendum, he said “the future of Hungarian children will be decided.” “Hungary can protect its children and prevent ‘gender madness’: If we say one thing in a referendum: father is a man, mother is a woman, everyone should leave our children alone,” said Victor Orban. .

“In this way we can protect our children and the right of parents’ sex education (of their children) to make decisions,” the Hungarian chief executive concluded.

Photo source: Facebook / Viktor Orban

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