The United States warned against China’s support for Russia. Europe says ‘we must remain vigilant’

  • The European top diplomat said the West needs to be vigilant when it comes to potential support for Russia from China.
  • This comes after Anthony Blinken said there was information that China was “strongly considering lethal assistance to Russia”.
  • So far, China has not categorically denied these accusations.

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang meets his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the G20.

Xinhua News Agency | Xinhua News Agency | Getty Images

Europe’s top diplomat said the West needs to be vigilant when it comes to China’s support for Russia, after US officials warned that Beijing could be about to send deadly weapons to Moscow.

China’s role in international politics in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year has been a particularly sensitive one for Western countries.

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Bill Burns He told CBS News last week that he was confident China would consider offering lethal aid to Moscow. This could lead to a major escalation in the war, giving the struggling Russian army a major boost.

“China has always told us that it does not provide weapons to Russia and does not plan to do so, very clearly,” Josep Borrell, the European Union’s high representative for foreign affairs, told CNBC on Friday. “But of course, we have to remain vigilant.”

His comments came at the end of the G-20 foreign affairs meeting in India, which was marked by a stark divide in opinion over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“There is a big division, and Russia will continue the war,” he added.

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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met his Russian counterpart briefly on the sidelines of a G20 meeting, in what marked their first personal contact since the invasion began more than a year ago. Blinken had previously told NBC that there was information that China was present “Strongly considering lethal aid to Russia.”

Meanwhile, Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser, said last week that if Beijing provides lethal weapons to Ukraine, “it will come at a real cost to China.”

So far, China has not categorically denied these accusations.

in Press Conference On Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said the country had made its position clear.

“On the Ukraine issue, China’s position has always been objective and fair. We are committed to promoting talks for peace and working for a political settlement of the crisis,” she said.

“The United States is pouring deadly weapons into the Ukraine battlefield and increasing tensions, while spreading false and malicious accusations against China. We do not accept coercion or pressure from the United States. What the United States should do is facilitate de-escalation and promote talks for peace Instead of fanning the flame or pointing fingers at other countries.”

In February, China presented a 12-point plan to end the war in Ukraine. Authorities in Kiev said they were open to considering some of these points, but also stressed that any peace deal must include the full withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine.

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