Traffic on the bridge in Crimea was temporarily banned. Governor: Ukraine tried to attack infrastructure with drones

Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported that traffic on the bridge in Crimea has been temporarily suspended.

Update 11:30

Ukraine tried to attack infrastructure in occupied Crimea with drones, the Russian-backed governor of the peninsula said.

Original message

“Vehicles are temporarily prohibited on the Crimean Bridge,” the official said in a statement.

The situation is unclear and Sky News The Russian agency could not verify the information.

This is not the first time in recent days that an incident on the Kerch bridge has led to traffic problems.

On Monday, two people died in explosions on the bridge, according to Moscow.

Kiev denied being behind the incident and suggested it could be a Russian provocation.

Officials ask people on Kerchi Bridge to ‘remain calm’.

Officials said in a telegram: “People on the bridge and in the inspection area are asked to remain calm and follow the instructions of traffic safety officials.”

No reason was given for the traffic stop.

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