Trump warns US against telling Russia ‘saying exactly the wrong thing’ after Biden’s ‘Armageddon’ remarks

Former President Trump said Sunday that the United States was “saying the exact wrong thing” to Russia after President Biden this week raised the “potential of Armageddon” amid threats of nuclear war by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump said the United States should urge Russia and Ukraine to negotiate for peace, and warned that the conflict could head toward “World War Three” without a more cautious approach.

We have to be very smart and very smart. We have to know what to say, and what to do. And we say exactly the wrong thing. We will end up going,” Trump told a rally in Mesa, Arizona, to Governor Carrie Lake and Senate candidate Blake Masters. in World War III.”

Biden warned on Thursday Putin is “not joking” in his recent threats to use nuclear weapons while Moscow’s forces struggle in the war against Ukraine.

“We haven’t faced the possibility of Armageddon since the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Biden said at a fundraiser, citing the 1962 confrontation with the Soviet Union.

Trump said Sunday that the risks of a world war are greater even than modern weapons.

“We must demand immediate negotiations for a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, otherwise we will end in World War III and there will be no such war,” he said at the rally. “We will never see a war like this and it is all because of stupid people who have no proof. It is also because of the kind of weapons that are available today.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky exclude Peace talks earlier this week after Russia announced the annexation of four occupied regions of Ukraine.

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Many security experts and former military officials agree with Biden’s assessment that Putin’s nuclear threats should be taken seriously, but his comments have fueled debate over whether the White House should issue such harsh warnings.

US officials have said there are no indications that Russia is preparing for imminent nuclear attacks, and they say the US military has not changed its nuclear posture.

White House National Security spokesman John Kirby He said On Sunday, the president was “accurately reflecting the fact that the stakes are very high right now.”

Trump’s ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Sunday He said The sign was “reckless”.

“When you hear the president talk about ‘Armageddon’ as a random idea…in a fundraising campaign, it’s a huge risk to the American people,” Pompeo said. “He should talk to us in a serious way.”

American officials have warned A “decisive” response and “serious consequences” for Russia if Moscow moves to use nuclear weapons.

Trump’s call for peace echoes sentiments that billionaire Elon Musk tweeted this week. The Space X founder suggested that Ukraine cede some territories occupied by Russia, agree to elections in others, and agree never to join NATO in exchange for an end to Russian aggression.

Ukrainian leaders quickly rejected the proposal, saying that they would not cede an inch of territory to Russia.

Biden said his administration would seek to strengthen Kyiv’s hand at the negotiating table by providing arms for its military, but he has largely refrained from pressuring Ukraine to participate in peace talks.

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