Ukraine claims to have killed another high-ranking general of the Russian army: Vitaly Gerasimov

The Directorate General of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine says that the Ukrainian soldiers were able to remove Vitaly Gerasimo, the main general of the Russian army, during the fighting in Kharkiv.

Russian General Vitaly Gerasimov is said to have been killedPhoto: Facebook

Vitaly Gerasimov was a Russian army commander, major general, commander-in-chief and first deputy of the 41st Army in Russia’s Central Military District. According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, “many senior Russian military officers were killed and wounded.”

Vitaly Gerasimov participated in the Second Chechen War and Russian military operations in Syria. He also received a medal for his “Crimean return to Russia”.

Last Thursday, a Many decorated prominent Russian military commanders were killed in the war in UkraineUkrainian and Russian publications on Thursday were acquired by Newsweek and the Daily Mail, which write about the “big blow” to the Russian armed forces occupying Ukraine.

Major General Andrei Sukhovsky, deputy commander of the 41st Army in Russia’s Central Military District, was killed on Wednesday by Ukrainian forces who repulsed a Russian offensive, Ukrainian media reported.

The Moscow Defense Ministry has not officially confirmed the death of the Russian general, but it was announced on social media by military comrades.

It follows the latest developmentsLIVETEXT 12th day of the war in Ukraine at HOTNEWS.RO.

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