Ukraine launched a counter-attack aimed at creating confusion between Russian forces/Odessa hit by Russian missiles.

French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi agreed on Tuesday to “work together to end the conflict” in Ukraine, the Elysee Palace said in a statement. The Ukrainian public operator of nuclear power plants, Energoatom, condemned the “unprecedented” Russian cyber attack against its website in a statement on Tuesday, AFP reported, citing Valery Zalushny, the chief of staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, acknowledged that Russian forces were “continuing to advance” in the Donbass, but declared that the “serious” situation was “completely under control,” CNN reported.

Key events for Wednesday, August 17:

The time is 09:48 Russian forces reportedly launched rocket attacks in the Odesa region during the night. Serhiy Bratchuk, a spokesman for the Odesa regional administration, said Russian forces fired several rockets at the region, injuring three people, The Guardian reported. The Ukrainian armed forces also provided an update, saying the missiles destroyed a recreation center and several private buildings.

08:34 According to a key adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the counter-offensive is aimed at creating “confusion within the Russian forces” by attacking the occupiers’ supply lines inside the occupied territories. (Details here)

08:21 Russia and Turkey have signed an agreement to supply the second batch of S-400 air defense systems, the head of the Russian military cooperation service was quoted by TASS state news agency. A Turkish official quoted by Reuters said the purchase was included in the initial agreement, according to (Details here)

08:20 Swedish furniture giant IKEA has announced the sale of its Russian unit, IKEA Limited Liability Company. Dome has decided to liquidate the company and scale back its operations in the country after more than a decade, a corporate document showed on Tuesday, Reuters reported, citing News.Ro.

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The time is 07:20 Valery Zalushny, the chief of staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, acknowledged that Russian forces were “continuing to advance” in Donbas, but declared that the “serious” situation was “completely under control,” CNN reported, citing News.Row. .

The time is 07:00 The Ukrainian public operator of nuclear power plants, Energoatom, condemned the “unprecedented” Russian cyber attack against its website in a statement on Tuesday, AFP reported, citing

The time is 06:30 French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi agreed on Tuesday to “work together to end the conflict” in Ukraine, the Elysee Palace announced in a statement, AFP quoted Agerpres as saying. The French president’s office said the two leaders discussed “Russia’s war in Ukraine and its destabilizing consequences for the rest of the world” in a phone conversation. Emmanuel Macron, who received the Indian prime minister in Paris in May, stressed “France’s determination to continue its support for Ukraine”. India has refrained from openly condemning Russian aggression in Ukraine and voting on it at the UN. However, in June, he co-signed the G7 Declaration, in which he pledged to “respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of other states”.

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