Ukraine says Russia has “orally” accepted Kiev’s proposals

Ukraine’s chief negotiator, David Arakamiya, said on Saturday that Moscow had “verbally” approved Ukraine’s major plans for peace talks with Russia, and that Kiev was now awaiting written confirmation.

David Aragamia is in talks with RussiaPhoto: Sergei Corbukin / DOS / Profimedia

Speaking on a television program, he said talks aimed at ending hostility had made significant progress.

“The Russian Federation has given an official response to all (Ukrainian) positions, that is, accepts them, except for the Crimean issue,” Mr Arakamiya said, annexed by Moscow in 2014.

He said that although there was no “official written confirmation”, the Russian side had accepted it “orally”.

The negotiator also said that if there was a meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Gelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it would take place “mostly” in Turkey.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who hosted Russian and Ukrainian delegations in his home country this week, “invited us and Vladimir Putin” on Friday, saying he would hold such a meeting.

“We do not know the date or location, but we believe the location will be mostly Ankara or Istanbul,” Arakamiya said.

Since the beginning of the February 24 invasion of Ukraine, Zhelensky has repeatedly called for talks with Putin.

The Ukrainian negotiator insisted that the referendum on Ukraine’s neutrality was agreed upon during the Moscow talks as “the only way out of this situation.”

If the Ukrainians do not agree, “either we will return to war, perhaps, or for new negotiations.”

The Kremlin has urged Ukraine to renounce NATO membership and choose neutrality.

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International Security Agreement

Ukraine’s main demand is for an international treaty guaranteeing its security, including several signatories, the United States, China, France, the United Kingdom – all members of the UN Security Council – as well as other member states of the alliance, respectively. Canada, Italy, Poland and Turkey. Another guarantee is Israel.

“We want an international security guarantee mechanism in place that guarantees that NATO’s Section 5 (attack on one of its members is an attack on all of them). Mentioned this week Ukraine’s chief negotiator, David Arakamiya


Kiev, on the other hand, would accept Ukraine’s “neutral and non-nuclear status” if “security guarantee work”, two conditions permanently imposed by Russia.

The key implication is that Ukraine must abandon its NATO aspirations.

No foreign military bases

After the last discussion with the Russian delegation in Istanbul, Ukraine will not place any foreign military bases in the territory, said another Ukrainian negotiator Olexandre Tchaly.

However, military exercises in Ukraine can be arranged with the consent of the guaranteeing countries.

Possible EU access

Kiev demands that the international agreement not preclude Ukraine’s integration with the EU and that the guarantor countries commit themselves to supporting the process.

Crimea and Donbass “excluded” from the agreement

As soon as these guarantees come into force, the territories controlled by Crimea and pro-Russian separatists will be “temporarily excluded” from the agreement.

Kiev 15 proposes separate Russian-Ukrainian talks, during which both sides agree not to use force to resolve the issue.

The United States has not yet seen the “real seriousness” of Russia.

Anthony Blinken said the United States still doubted Russia’s “real seriousness” in its talks with Ukraine.

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“I do not see any real movement, because I do not see any sign of real seriousness on the part of Russia,” he said.

“Russia’s occupation has displaced half of Ukraine’s children. He must immediately end the occupation and begin real negotiations,” he said.

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