Undertaker acquitted of theft of 113 million euro jewels from Treasure Museum in Dresden, C

Jihad Remmo (age 24) was aware of the spectacular heist at the Green Vault treasury. But on Wednesday, a member of the notorious Berlin-headquartered clan was acquitted by a district court in Dresden for “lack of evidence”.

According to the prosecution, Jihad had to take three of the five accused, including his brother and a cousin, to an agreed meeting place on the night of the historic theft. Police stopped the car and found a crowbar and two bolt cutters in the trunk.

However, the investigation found that the police stop was illegal.. “Even if the defendant believed that others were planning a crime, this is not enough to prosecute,” explained the President-Judge.

Jihad Remmo was given a prison sentence of €75 per day and state compensation of more than €1,500 as he was held in custody for 3 weeks after his arrest.

In court, Jihad wore €850 Dior sneakers and a “single” €590 Givenchy sweater.

How can he afford this? Clearly not, Bildt writes. During the investigation, Remmo said that since 2018 he has been a salesman in a pharmacy, where he is paid about 14 euros an hour.

How the “Robbery of the Century” Happened

On November 25, 2019, before dawn, two men broke into Dresden’s opulent Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault), nicknamed the “Treasure Museum,” through a barred window, smashed a display case with an ax, and made off with diamonds and other jewels. The operation, which involved four partners, lasted only a few minutes.

The thieves stole a total of 4,300 diamonds and 21 jewels worth more than €113 million. They also caused more than a million euros in material damage.

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The thieves returned the pieces to authorities through their lawyers on Friday, December 16, after “a deal with the prosecutor” for lighter sentences.

However, some of the most valuable pieces are still missing. Experts suspect that these diamonds were cut for retail sale.

Beginning in 1723, August II, former King of Poland and Prince-elect of Saxony in the 18th century, housed his personal jewels and works of Renaissance and Baroque art in this 16th-century museum.

The museum is famous for its jewelry collection, one of the most important in Europe, which consists of sculptures made of precious metals, ceramics, ivory or amber, bronze or jewels.

After the renovation of the museum in 2004, collections of old objects were stored on the ground floor, where theft was done, and temporary exhibitions were held on the first floor.

Photo: A.P

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