US President Biden calls Busha atrocities a ‘war crime’

The horrific atrocities in Ukraine, allegedly perpetrated by Russian forces, have amplified calls to pursue war crimes charges against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Pictures of at least 20 dead bodies scattered across the street In Bucha, Ukraine, it appeared over the weekend after Russian troops withdrew from the region, prompting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. To call for an end to Russian “war crimes”. Russia bombing hospitals And the A theater where children were looking for shelter Along with the suspected use of cluster bombs and so-called vacuum bombs in dense areas with many civilians, these have also been described as war crimes.

Below is a very broad look at war crimes and the international justice movement.

What is a war crime?

The International Criminal Court has specific definitions of war crimes that you can read This guide published by the International Criminal Court. Specifically, it may be targeting the civilian population, violating the Geneva Conventions, targeting certain groups of people and more potential Russian war crimes.

There is a way to gather evidence from testimonies, satellite images, and other places to meet the burden of proof.

What is the International Criminal Court?

It is located in The Hague, Netherlands, and was created by A Treaty called the Rome Statute The International Criminal Court was first brought to the United Nations, and it operates independently. Most countries are parties to the treaty, but there are very large and notable exceptions, including Russia and the United States. In this regard, Ukraine.

Who can be tried by the court?

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The Court judges people, not states, and focuses on those who bear the greatest responsibility: leaders and officials. While Ukraine is not a member of the court, it has previously accepted its jurisdiction. Therefore, Putin could theoretically be indicted by the court for having previously ordered war crimes in Crimea.

However, the International Criminal Court No trials in absentia, so either he will be extradited by Russia or arrested outside Russia. That seems unlikely.

How does the International Criminal Court take action?

Court cases can be brought in one of two ways: the national government or the United Nations Security Council can refer cases for investigation.

Russia, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, has a veto over the council’s actions. It was requests from 39 national governments, mostly European, that sparked this current investigation.

How long do these investigations take?

If justice moves slowly in general, international justice hardly moves at all. Investigations at the International Criminal Court take many years. Only a few convictions have been won.

How will the ICC case affect the conflict?

“For better or worse, the ICC investigation may affect the diplomatic space for negotiations,” says Ryan Goodman, a New York University law professor and co-editor of the Just Security Forum, online.

He said Putin and other Russians may not want to risk arrest if they travel outside the country.

He added that the investigation could weaken Putin at home. Russians may realize that this is another reason why Putin cannot serve their country.

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