Use Transparent Note to skip the next virtual meeting or interview

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Photo: Vadim Bastokh (stock struggle)

None of us are superhuman: as much as we try to memorize every talking point or every question, we can’t work our best without the occasional mention. still sound More impressive, especially on video calls, if we never need to look away from the camera when doing interviews or giving a presentation. The solution then is to find a way to look at both of your observations And the video call at the same time. WI’ve found an app that can help with this: It’s called a transparent note, and its name doesn’t mess around.

transparent note is A simple note-taking app, which offers one key difference: your notes can be transparent, allowing you to see what’s behind the note itself on your Mac or PC. The app is free to download for Mac users (with premium features behind a firewall), but costs $4.99 for Windows devices.

How a Transparency Note can improve video calling

There are a lot of use cases for this type of application, but video calls are where I see myself using this a lot. If you are interviewing for a company, you will no longer need to take an awkward look at your resume or prepared list of questions if you get stuck. Alternatively, you can overlay all relevant talking points on the same video call: you’re still looking at the screen as expected, but you’re able to read any and all notes you’ve taken previously.

Similarly, this works if you are interviewing someone else to job. You can refer to your questions for the candidate, as well as any notes from their resume that you think are relevant. What about making offers? You can read directly from the text while speaking without leaving anyone on Zoom wiser.

How to use Transparency Note

Setting a transparency note is simple: WWhen you turn it on, you’ll be able to start writing a new note as you would any note-taking app, but Now, your note will be transparent. If you want to see more or less of the background, you can change the transparency levels by clicking the settings gear in the lower left corner.

From here, you can also change the color of the note from white, yellow, blue, or green, and choose whether the note stays on top of all windows, or disappears when switching between apps.

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screenshot: Jake Peterson

Since the Mac version is free to download, it misses two distinct features: you can only take one note at a time, and you’ll run into ads (although I haven’t seen any in my experience yet). If you like to take multiple notes, and/or want to get rid of those ads, you can pay $1.99 per month, $9.99 for the year, or $99.99 for one-time use for life.

However, for me, Transparent Note won’t be my main note-taking app. I might have been copying and pasting my talking points into my only free note before a video call, as well as taking notes from the call into the document. If that sounds like you too, you should probably be fine with the free version.

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